Network Security

With over 90% of the world’s information created and stored electronically…

Companies need experienced IT professionals to help them stay up and running.

The digital age may have helped us develop effective business processes, but it also presents challenges in maintaining, protecting, and managing electronic information.

There are a host of threats that could affect your company’s productivity. We partner with CISCO, to assist companies with writing and implementing security policies and procedures and conduct network audits to track potential threats.

We have the computer and network security expertise to help your business stay free from threats that could affect your bottom line:

Wherever you are in the journey to ensure a secure working environment, we can help:

  • Create a plan to address security dangers
  • Design and implement a comprehensive security strategy
  • Validate, execute and migrate to new technologies
  • Keep you informed about security in constantly evolving technologies
  • Protect your organization with remote monitoring and management support

Does your company fail to handle electronic communications securely?

In today’s ever-changing business environment, each and every computer is imperative to the course of doing business, cannot be down and must be treated with proactive and reactive procedures to keep it safe.

ThunderCurrent’s team of professionally trained IT experts has a proven track record in protecting company data. We offer the highest technical expertise and experience in obtaining and protecting local and digital information.